Raised garden beds create affordable instant manageable landscaped garden spaces

Our garden beds are rolled & sealed from premium quality steel and are available in zinc finish (which is paintable) or colorbond colours.

They are an excellent way to help retain water and nutrient in the contained area.

They are perfect for seasonal planting, or permanent establishment of citrus & fruit trees.

Now available online. Allow 14 days delivery.

Colorbond® Colours Available are:
Beige - Black - Classic Cream - Heritage Green - Woodland Grey - Manor Red


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“Fill it, plant it, water it!”

“plant it, grow it, eat it”

Veggie Starter Pack - $49.99

Available Online ONLY
The easy way to get started
What you will need to fill a 1100mmx600x450 raised garden bed:
2x 70L bag potting mix
2x  30L bag premium potting mix
1x  25L bag cow manure
1 x  25L bag garden compost

For the 1900mm long garden bed, simply double the recipe by ordering 2 x Veggie Starter Packs!

Garden Bed – Zinc
Shop Our Online Range

Grow your own veggies!

Amari Garden Beds of are of extremely high quality, made from durable steel that's long lasting and looks great. You can find out more about our product range by downloading the brochure.